Staff at Cuiken

At Cuiken Primary School we are lucky to have a wonderful staff who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of the children who attend our school. 

Below you can find classes for the current school year. To find out more about the staff at Cuiken, please explore the "Meet the Teacher" section of our website. 

Class List 2024-2025

Primary 1 - Miss Maltby

Primary 1/2 - Miss Duncan

Primary 2/3 - Mrs Whatford

Primary 3/4 - Mrs Hutton

Primary 4 - Mrs Denson

Primary 5 - Miss Pelosi and Mrs Galbucci

Primary 6a - Mrs Mason

Primary 6b - Miss Millar and Mr Abbot

Primary 7 - Miss Emsley

Cuiken Nest 2024-2025

The Robins - Mrs Maguire

The Owls - Ms Wilson

The Starlings - Mrs Murray